Sunday, September 18, 2011

Smiley Invitational

I have to say I am very proud of our runners on Saturday.  Everyone improved on their times from last year and we continue to improve throughout each race.  It is what I heard after the races that really impressed me.  Megan saying she was hurting so bad but she couldn't let that one girl go, Amanda and Alanna just running through their shin splints to make sure our team stays near the top, Marissa getting stepped on with her calf in spasms.  For the general public, they don't understand that cross country takes a special person who is committed to the sport.  I believe Wetmore says it best in the book Running with the Buffaloes, "Distant runners are experts in pain, discomfort and fear....That's the nature of their game.  Taking pain."  The teams that beat us are ranked 6th and 8th in the state.

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