Welcome to the Laona-Wabeno Rebels Cross Country Blog. Home of the 2008-2010 Boys Northern Lakes Conference Cross Country Champions and 2009-2010 Girls Northern Lakes Conference Cross Country Champions, and Home of the four time girls State Qualifiers 2009-2012. 2012 Edgar Sectional Champions
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Green Bay Press Gazette All-Area Team selections
Congrats to Megan and Miranda for being selected for the All-Area team. Your hard work has been recognized.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Molly winning the Footlocker National championships
Congrats to Molly Seidel and the Midwest team for winning the national championships in San Diego. Shows the strong runners do come from the Midwest.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Quick thoughts before State
As State draws closer, I am just remembering some of the interesting things. Megan face planting at Rosholt, having practice in the rain for a week straight, Andrew singing on the bus on our way home from Iola and then voice cracking. Watching Whit and Marissa crying at Sectionals then thinking to myself, "We made it to state, why are they crying?" Every season is unique.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Rebel Cross Country |
October 25, 2011
Parents of Rebel Cross Country Runners:
I would like to thank you and your athletes for another very successful season. Before the close of the season, there are a few things we would like to do yet.
First of all, on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., we will be having a potluck banquet for the runners. This will be a very informal event to celebrate the close of our season and the ladies trip to state. We ask that you attend and bring a dish to pass.
Second, we will be having two separate pep assemblies for the Lady Rebels to wish them good luck at state. One will be in Laona at about. 8:15 a.m. Friday morning and the other will be in Wabeno at 9:15 a.m. Friday. You are more than welcome to attend these assemblies.
And finally, if you wish to attend the race we have reserved rooms for the girls at the Ramada in Stevens Point just like last year. You can reserve your rooms at the following address:
1501 North point Dr., Stevens Point, WI
(715) 341-1340
Race time on Saturday is 11:00 am at the Ridges Golf Course in Wisconsin Rapids
Hotels and Potluck
Runners are staying at the Ramada Inn in Point. Coach Twardowski has a letter to hand out to runners with all information. I have a copy to send out today. Potluck is Wed. at 7pm
Monday, October 24, 2011
State information
Yes, we are going again. Here are the latest things:
1. 11am Saturday at the Ridges directions are on the WIAA website
2. 99.9% sure Hotel rooms are at the same place. I still need to confirm to be a 100%
3. Pep assembly at Laona 8:10am then down to Wabeno at 9am
4. Good times had by all 100%
5. Coach Sorenson leaving with everyone is 50/50 depended upon Forest County courts and I will find out on Wed. at 5pm.
1. 11am Saturday at the Ridges directions are on the WIAA website
2. 99.9% sure Hotel rooms are at the same place. I still need to confirm to be a 100%
3. Pep assembly at Laona 8:10am then down to Wabeno at 9am
4. Good times had by all 100%
5. Coach Sorenson leaving with everyone is 50/50 depended upon Forest County courts and I will find out on Wed. at 5pm.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Important Items, Dates & Times to Remember
· 10/21/11 Iola-Scandinavia Cross Country Sectional Run
· 2:30 p.m. Course opens for warm-ups
· 3:15 p.m. Coaches meeting at the chalet
· 4:00 p.m. Girls’ race
· 4:45 p.m. Boys’ race
· 5:30 p.m. Awards ceremony behind chalet near the balcony
Note: If you have runners carrying an inhaler, don’t forget to give me a physician’s statement.
Sectional Tournament Information
· Detailed information regarding rules and regulations for cross country can be found on the School Center on the WIAA Web Site or in the WIAA Fall Season Regulations handbook. Also, detailed information regarding cross country state tournament information can be found on the School Center.
Conference Meet and upcoming Sectionals
What an awesome day for a Conference meet. I want to once again say thank you to all the volunteers, the Bartel's family and McCaslin Brook Golf Course for help making the Conference meet a success. Also for the parents and juniors for the flowers for parents and our three seniors Whitney, Marissa and Nick.
Good job for the team yesterday. Megan once again as our Conference champion and the girls retaking the Team title. Miranda, Marissa, Whitney and Amanda for making all conference. Jake Kroll running hard for earning his first all-conference on the guys side. Lets not over look the Jr. high with Austin crushing the competition and Mason coming in second. Abbey taking 3rd on the girls side. Once again good job.
Now we have two weeks to prepare for Iola. We have been here before so we know the course. This is the course we had our first state qualifer so we have some history at Iola. Lets train smart and hard this week in preparation for a solid result. When I say smart it is also about healing, some of you like the Shin Splint sisters.
Good job for the team yesterday. Megan once again as our Conference champion and the girls retaking the Team title. Miranda, Marissa, Whitney and Amanda for making all conference. Jake Kroll running hard for earning his first all-conference on the guys side. Lets not over look the Jr. high with Austin crushing the competition and Mason coming in second. Abbey taking 3rd on the girls side. Once again good job.
Now we have two weeks to prepare for Iola. We have been here before so we know the course. This is the course we had our first state qualifer so we have some history at Iola. Lets train smart and hard this week in preparation for a solid result. When I say smart it is also about healing, some of you like the Shin Splint sisters.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Conference meet info
2011 Northern Lakes Conference Meet
The NLC meet will be hosted by the Laona-Wabeno cross country team. The conference meet will be run at the McCauslin Brook Golf and Country Club.
4:00 pm Jr. High
4:30 pm Boys
5:00pm Girls
Meet scoring will be done by place cards so coaches you are responsible for collecting the place cards, writing the athletes name and place, and promptly turning the cards in for scoring. Please e-mail rosters by Wednesday October 5th to: christinejanczewski@laona.k12.wi.us.
Course: The course follows through woods on varied terrain in the roughs of the golf course. Runners will have good footing and spikes are allowed. This is a spectator friendly course. Boys will run 5K and girls 4K.
Directions: If you are coming from the south:
Take Hwy 32 into Lakewood, Wisc., once past Flynn's Amoco/BP and Lakewood Motor Sports turn RIGHT on St. Mary's Road, then turn RIGHT on County Road F, stay on F for a little over a mile, then TURN RIGHT on Logging Camp Road, you will then TURN RIGHT and Logging Camp Road will merge into Club House Lane.
If you are coming from the north:
Take Hwy 32 into Lakewood and TURN LEFT onto County Road F, stay on F for a about a mile and a half, then TURN RIGHT on Logging Camp Road, you will then TURN RIGHT and Logging Camp Road will merge into Club House Lane.
Awards: Top 7 individuals boys and girls will receive medals as well as NLC All-Conference recognition and trophy for top boys and girls team.
Teams: Laona-Wabeno, Three Lakes, Crandon, Florence, and Goodman-Pembine
For more information:
Christine Janczewski (AD) or Richard Sorenson (Cross Country coach) 674-2143
Fee: $60 payable to Laona School District
There will be concessions with Gatorade, water and baked goods
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Rain, Sweat, and Blood
We have had a good couple of weeks of racing. Rain and lousy weather makes us appreciate the good weather we can have at races, but also it really shows the grit and soul of the team.
At Rosholt, it is the first time we had four runners on the podium, and at Crandon we almost had the hat trick of a perfect score. The Florence runner is a friend of the team so it is alright. On the guys side we had Jake who medaled. How about our Jr. High champions of Austin and Abbey both destroying the competition. The most important thing is we came out healthy on a pretty rough course. Now we have to prepare for our Conference meet Monday.
At Rosholt, it is the first time we had four runners on the podium, and at Crandon we almost had the hat trick of a perfect score. The Florence runner is a friend of the team so it is alright. On the guys side we had Jake who medaled. How about our Jr. High champions of Austin and Abbey both destroying the competition. The most important thing is we came out healthy on a pretty rough course. Now we have to prepare for our Conference meet Monday.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Just remember there is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing. Depending on who you are dress appropriately for practice and meets. Weather is not too promising. Although we do have some sunshine right now. Our new jackets will protect us from the weather.
Merrill information
The Merrill Blue Jay CC Invitational will be run at the Merrill Area Rec Complex (MARC) adjacent to Council Grounds State Park on Sat., Oct 1. This site has been host to WIAA Sectionals often in the last 10 years.
9:00 Varsity and JV Girls
9:30 Varsity and JV Boys
10:15 Awards
(If there are a small number of schools, the JV will be combined with the varsity)
Meet scoring done by Performancetiming.com– log onto www.performancetiming.com to submit your entries. We have attached info pertaining to the process. Please have entries submitted by September 30.
Boys 5k, Girls 4k (7 runners Varsity, unlimited JV)
It offers a variety of terrain and scenery, is fairly wind-proofed and footing is excellent. The course travels on gravel & mowed paths, through woods, small rolling hills and flat grassy plains.
Top 10 Individuals (JV and Varsity)
Top 2 teams for varsity
(If there are enough schools, additional team awards will be added and races run in divisions)
Teams: Adams-Friendship, Antigo, Chequamegon, Laona-Wabeno, Merrill, Mosinee, Owen-Withee, Rhinelander, Westfield
Friday, September 23, 2011
Three Lakes
Pretty exciting race at Three Lakes. We tied for second with Rhinelander and their sixth runner broke the tie. It shows what Coach Twardowski and I always say it takes all of us as a team to win as a team and to pick off as many runners as possible. That is what makes cross country a great sport. We have a week off to help heal the wounded and be ready for Rosholt. I will have times up later in the day. It was good to see Gary and Olivia Zimmer at the race. They were cheering hard for the Running Rebels.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Racing against the best
If you want to know how good of competition we will see at any given meet, invite, Sectionals or State. Read Running Times Magazine and you will notice a Wisconsin native running for Oregon. A very elite school for any runner.
If anyone has pictures could you post them on the facebook or send them via e-mail. Much appreciated. I have not been able to do it because of the nature of the last two races makes it impossible to take pictures and coach.
Smiley Invitational
I have to say I am very proud of our runners on Saturday. Everyone improved on their times from last year and we continue to improve throughout each race. It is what I heard after the races that really impressed me. Megan saying she was hurting so bad but she couldn't let that one girl go, Amanda and Alanna just running through their shin splints to make sure our team stays near the top, Marissa getting stepped on with her calf in spasms. For the general public, they don't understand that cross country takes a special person who is committed to the sport. I believe Wetmore says it best in the book Running with the Buffaloes, "Distant runners are experts in pain, discomfort and fear....That's the nature of their game. Taking pain." The teams that beat us are ranked 6th and 8th in the state.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Smiley directions
Hosted by Wausau East High School
Directions to Wausau American Legion Golf Course:
If you are coming from anywhere north, south and West of Wausau, you want to get on I 39/Hwy 51 and exit on Bridge St.
· Take Bridge St. east across the Wisconsin River, turn left (north) at the third stoplight (6th St.)
· Stay on 6th St. for approx. 1.5 miles, (you will see a boat landing and picnic area on your left along the river) just past this as the street curves to the right, is Horseshoe Springs Rd. on your right. Exit 6th St. onto Horseshoe Springs Rd. This will bring you right to the course
If you are coming from the North and East of Wausau and not on Hwy 29 or I39/51, you likely will come into Wausau on Hwy 52.
· As you come into Wausau on Hwy 52, stay on it until it comes to stoplight at 6th St., turn right on 6th St.
· Stay on 6th St. for approx. 1.5 miles, (you will see a boat landing and picnic area on your left along the river) just past this as the street curves to the right, is Horseshoe Springs Rd. on your right. Exit 6th St. onto Horseshoe Springs Rd. This will bring you right to the course
Smiley information
55th Annual Bill Smiley Invitational Cross Country
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Northern Wisconsin’s oldest invitational cross country meet will again be held at the Wausau American Legion Golf Course. This meet continues to provide the best competition for the greatest number of runners. We are happy to host your school and runners, and wish the best to everyone.
COURSE: The American Legion Golf Course, one block east of North 6th Street (hwy. W) on Golf Club Rd. The Boys will run a 5000 meter course, the Girls will run 4000 meters.
NOTE: Coaches pick up your runner’s chips at finish line upon arrival & return all chips to timing table in the bag that you received when you picked them up.
ENTRIES: Your timeliness in submitting your entries is essential. MUST use website listed here.
------ Opens Noon Sept. 8th, & CLOSES at Noon Sept. 15th ------
No Exceptions to this entry time frame!!!
Extra chips will not be available – not entered, will not get a chip.
Please enter ONLY runners you know will be competing. DO NOT just enter your entire roster.
LOG On To: Website at: www.pttiming.com
Any problems, call 800-766-4167, ext. 800
ENTRY FEES: $160. for both boys & girls teams (V & JV) $80. one boys or girls team (V & JV), Payable to: Wausau East HS, PLEASE send prior to the meet. Thank you.
FACILITIES: No dressing facilities at the meet site. If you need a dressing facility, please contact
Coach Olson to arrange for you to use locker rooms at East High School.
Please be advised there is NO WATER available on the course. PLEASE BRING WATER
AWARDS: Trophies for the TEAM Champion and Runner-up in all 4 Varsity divisions. (8)
Trophies for the JV TEAM Champion in Divisions I Large & Small combined. (2)
Trophies for the JV TEAM Champion in Divisions II & III combined. (2)
Medals for the top 20 individuals places in all 4 Varsity divisions. (160)
Medals for the top 20 individuals places in JV Divisions I Lg & Small combined. (40)
Medals for the top 20 individuals places in JV Divisions II & III combined. (40)
Medals for the top 8 individuals on the top 2 teams in all 4 Varsity Divisions (64)
Awards for Division II & III schools will begin at approximately 10:30.
Awards for Division I schools at approximately 11:45
The American Legion has gone out of their way to host this great meet. Please be
respectful of the facilities and golfers. Help us to preserve it for future runners and
spectators. Thank you.
55th Annual SMILEY CC Shirts - available at the meet.
Long Sleeve shirts - $15.00 and Short Sleeve
Information for DC Everest

6500 Alderson Street
Schofield, WI 54476
Evergreen Invitational Cross Country Meet
Nine Mile Forest, Wausau
TO: Cross Country Coaches and Athletic Directors
FROM: Lee Ann Kitchell, Athletic Director
Greg Peterson - Girls Head Coach, Brad Seeley - Boys Head Coach
DATE: September 13, 2011
Time Schedule:
4:15 p.m. Junior High Boys
4:25 p.m. Junior High Girls
4:45 p.m. Junior Varsity Girls
5:15 p.m. Junior Varsity Boys
5:45 p.m. Varsity Girls
6:15 p.m. Varsity Boys
Awards Ceremony For High School Teams Following the Conclusion of the Boys Race
Race Distance:
High School Female: 5000M
High School Male: 5000M
Junior High: 3200M
Participating Teams:
Division 1 Division 2
D.C. Everest Laona/Wabeno
Stevens Point Crandon
Hortonville Clintonville
Superior Rosholt (Boys Only)
Marshfield Wittenberg-Birnamwood
Wisconsin Rapids
Junior High Teams
D.C. Everest
Horace Mann
John Muir
Marshfield Columbus
Stevens Point
Coaches, please pick up team packets in the chalet. Changes can be made to entries at that time. Have athletes inform their parents to pull into the parking lot at 9-Mile. This will help minimize the parking issues on the gravel road leading into the park.
- Trophy to 1st Place Team and 2nd Place for Large and Small School Divisions
- Medals to Runners from Winning Male and Female Teams (1st, 2nd, and 3rd)
- Plaques to 1st Place Team for Junior High Girls and Junior High Boys Teams
Boys Varsity - Medals (1-20)
Girls Varsity - Medals (1-20)
Boys JV –1--5 medals
Girls JV - 1--5 medals
Boys J.H. - Ribbons - (1-20)
Girls J.H. - Ribbons - (1-20)
Please email entries using the attached roster form to Lee Ann Kitchell by Friday, September 9th. Email Address: lkitchell@dce.k12.wi.us. Changes can be made prior to the start at the meet on the 13th.
Junior high runners may be in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. In the high school races, all teams will run together and the divisions will be scored after the race.
$100.00 for the Varsity and Junior Varsity and $40.00 for Junior High. Send checks to D.C. Everest High School Attn: Lee Ann Kitchell, Athletic Director.
CONCESSIONS: A concession stand run by the D.C. Everest Athletic Club will be on site.
Meet T-Shirts will be sold for $10.00
Thursday, September 8, 2011
SPASH bus times
As of right now we are leaving at 6am. I will bring the bagpipes music. I will verify on Friday.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
If anyone wants to add pics please e-mail, burn a CD or download them. Don't always get the pictures as a I coach.
Iola Race
Back from the Iola Invite. Girls took 3rd overall just behind two second division teams which are ranked in the state. Once again EVERYONE beat their times from last year. The Tarlton twins medal with 3rd and9th places. Good job Running Rebels
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Results for Rhinelander and Iola
You can go to tandhtiming.com for Rhinelander and pttiming.com for Iola. Results were not bad. We are the 1st small school and almost beat Rhinelander again. More importantly, EVERYONE improved on their times from last year. Some by a few seconds other like Amanda by about a minute and half and the most improved was Andrew by over two minutes. Brea, Jake and Nick had a good first races.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Rhinelander meet
Some things to remember for te Rhinelander meet: bring your jersey, black shorts, shoes and water. First meet of the season so lets be focused on this. Make sure we do the following things: walk the course as a team, my seniors and juniors get the younger runners stretched out and warmed up properly as well as cooled down after the race. Remain loose and have fun.
Rhinelander is also the race most of you will do some school shopping. Happens every year. YOU MUST HAVE A NOTE. It must be written by your parents/guardian and leaving with them. IT CAN NOT BE A FRIEND OR YOUNGER BROTHERS OR SISTERS. I don't want this to become a habit. I want runners coming back with us on the bus. Wabeno runners: your rules are different so you will need to ask Mr. Twardowski about what you need to do.
Finally don't forget your money for t-shirts and/or warmups
Rhinelander is also the race most of you will do some school shopping. Happens every year. YOU MUST HAVE A NOTE. It must be written by your parents/guardian and leaving with them. IT CAN NOT BE A FRIEND OR YOUNGER BROTHERS OR SISTERS. I don't want this to become a habit. I want runners coming back with us on the bus. Wabeno runners: your rules are different so you will need to ask Mr. Twardowski about what you need to do.
Finally don't forget your money for t-shirts and/or warmups
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Practice and Bus time for Rhinelander
Thursday practices will be at school. Bus leaves on Saturday at 7:30am. Good practices at Ed's Lake, and good seeing the Wabeno runners in the afternoon. I think we will have to have some more combined practices during the school year since we are a bit smaller and can travel a bit easier. See you this afternoon and to the ones in the morning I hope you had a good workout.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Pricing for jacket and pants
The cost for Under Armour Jacket and Pants will be the following:
Jacket: $71
Pants: $ 65
That includes the set up costs and shipping and handling.
Jacket: $71
Pants: $ 65
That includes the set up costs and shipping and handling.
Practice week of Aug 22-26
Tuesday afternoon practice will start at Coach Sorenson's home
Wednesday: both practices will be at Ed's Lake at normal times
Wednesday: both practices will be at Ed's Lake at normal times
Friday, August 19, 2011
This year the t-shirts are going to be tie-dye with green and purple to represent the schools. The back has an inspirational quote as well as a new design on the front. Looks pretty cool. Once again friends and family can also purchaseon eas well. The price is $17.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Amherst, Bonduel, Florence, Gillett, Goodman, Green Lake, Iola-Scandinavia, Laona/Wabeno, Lena/Saint
Thomas Aquinas Academy, Marion, Menominee Indian, Oconto, Oshkosh Lourdes, Princeton, Rosholt, Saint
Mary Central, Valley Christian.
Rebel Cross Country team,
I hope you are enjoying your summer. In several weeks we will be starting practice so I am sending a reminder about a few things. Number one, RUNNNNNN!!! I ran the Nicolet Plastics run in Lakewood and saw Jake down there. Everyone missed a great race day. I also did the 10K Hodag run and took 2nd place in my age group. My next race is Armstrong Creek on July 24th and I hope to see some of you there. If you have not been running at all work on endurance and put one speed workout a week. Remember you should be able to run at least 40 minutes nonstop before practice begins. Do this gradually over the next of couple of weeks. I expect my varsity runners in shape on the 1st day of practice.
Second reminder, don’t forget about your physicals or alt. year cards. This must be done before you can practice. Ask your athletic directors which one you need.
Third reminder, Practice will start at 5pm Monday Aug. 15th at Laona High School.
This reminder is only for Wabeno athletes. You have a mandatory meeting with your athletic director August 1st 7pm in the auditorium. You and your parents must attend in order to participate in athletics.
Finally, ACT’s exams are coming up in the fall the weekend of SPASH and Sectionals. If you plan to one of these, please choose the SPASH date so we don’t have any problems on which one to choose.
Equipment athletes will need. 1. shoes(duh), go to a good store like East Bay or Scheels. If you are really serious and have money you will need a pair of cross country spikes and a pair of training shoes. Look on the internet for Eastbay for deals. If you only want one pair of shoes, buy a light pair of trail shoes like Teva, Salomon, Saucony or Brooks are great shoe companies. Choose what works for you. 2. Black pair of shorts for the meets. Nothing below the knees and without writing. 3. Water bottles, our practices get long and we run in the heat and you will need to stay hydrated. We have had issues with drinking out of the same bottles and getting sick so each person will have to bring their own bottles for practices and meets. We will have coolers.
If you have questions call me at school. I am usually here from 8-10 am. You can call me at home, good luck at reaching me. You can also go on the Rebel Blog which has all the information. Looking forward to seeing everyone in several weeks.
Why run cross country?
- Going to State is there anything else
- Good way to outrun a bear
- Get cool T-shirts with awesome sayings
- Improves your tan
- Souper run is August 7th (Yes do it!!!)at Silver Lake Beach
- Coach runs at 6:30am(yes in the morning)
- Eat more and not feel guilty
- See your teammates
- Run against national caliber athletes: Chris Solinsky American record holder in the 10K, Molly Seidel , and Allie Woodward who is running for Oregon Univ.
- Your coach (or God) told you to run
Mr. Sorenson and Mr. Twardowski
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Rebel Cross country on Facebook
I thought this might be a good idea to communicate.
If you want to add me as a friend I have two Facebook accounts. One is for family and one for cross country. The one for cross country is the pic of me in my orange shirt at the 3-Lakes meet. Have fun this summer and do some running.
If you want to add me as a friend I have two Facebook accounts. One is for family and one for cross country. The one for cross country is the pic of me in my orange shirt at the 3-Lakes meet. Have fun this summer and do some running.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Tracking mileage
There are sites that track mileage, map out routes, and keep pace. Runnersworld.com has a training page.
dailymile.com is cool because it will connect to Facebook and is simple to use.
dailymile.com is cool because it will connect to Facebook and is simple to use.
Racing in the summer
Yes I do expect my runners to do some races in this summer. I also realize that gas is expensive, but there are races in the local area.
Crandon : Run for Paws July 11th 8am in front of the Courthouse.
Pembine: Saturday August 6th
Lakewood: Nicolet Plastics 4 mile race on June 4th register online: www.nicoletplastics.com
Rhinelander: 10K Hodag Run June 25th register online at Active.com
Laona: 5K Souper Run Aug 7th
Florence: Keyes Peak Trail 50 K and Marathon: Now you have to be in shape to do this. Register on line: greatlakesendurance.com
Armstrong Creek: Polish days Run will be Sunday July 24th. I will find out more and post it.
There are other runs in the area just to have do a bit of searching, plus wisport has a trail running series with one race in Iola. I am doing the 1st two myself so I expect to see runners at some of the events.
Crandon : Run for Paws July 11th 8am in front of the Courthouse.
Pembine: Saturday August 6th
Lakewood: Nicolet Plastics 4 mile race on June 4th register online: www.nicoletplastics.com
Rhinelander: 10K Hodag Run June 25th register online at Active.com
Laona: 5K Souper Run Aug 7th
Florence: Keyes Peak Trail 50 K and Marathon: Now you have to be in shape to do this. Register on line: greatlakesendurance.com
Armstrong Creek: Polish days Run will be Sunday July 24th. I will find out more and post it.
There are other runs in the area just to have do a bit of searching, plus wisport has a trail running series with one race in Iola. I am doing the 1st two myself so I expect to see runners at some of the events.
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