Thursday, October 27, 2011

Quick thoughts before State

As State draws closer, I am just remembering some of the interesting things.  Megan face planting at Rosholt, having practice in the rain for a week straight, Andrew singing on the bus on our way home from Iola and then voice cracking.  Watching Whit and Marissa crying at Sectionals then thinking to myself, "We made it to state, why are they crying?"  Every season is unique.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Rebel Cross Country

October 25, 2011
 Parents of Rebel Cross Country Runners:
I would like to thank you and your athletes for another very successful season. Before the close of the season, there are a few things we would like to do yet.
First of all, on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., we will be having a potluck banquet for the runners. This will be a very informal event to celebrate the close of our season and the ladies trip to state. We ask that you attend and bring a dish to pass.
Second, we will be having two separate pep assemblies for the Lady Rebels to wish them good luck at state. One will be in Laona at about. 8:15 a.m. Friday morning and the other will be in Wabeno at 9:15 a.m. Friday. You are more than welcome to attend these assemblies.
And finally, if you wish to attend the race we have reserved rooms for the girls at the Ramada in Stevens Point just like last year.  You can reserve your rooms at the following address:
1501 North point Dr., Stevens Point, WI
(715) 341-1340
Race time on Saturday is 11:00 am at the Ridges Golf Course in Wisconsin Rapids

Hotels and Potluck

Runners are staying at the Ramada Inn in Point.  Coach Twardowski has a letter to hand out to runners with all information.  I have a copy to send out today.  Potluck is Wed. at 7pm

Monday, October 24, 2011

State information

Yes, we are going again.  Here are the latest things:
1.  11am Saturday at the Ridges directions are on the WIAA website
2.  99.9% sure Hotel rooms are at the same place.  I still need to confirm to be a 100%
3.  Pep assembly at Laona 8:10am then down to Wabeno at 9am
4.  Good times had by all 100%
5.  Coach Sorenson leaving with everyone is 50/50 depended upon Forest County courts and I will find out on Wed. at 5pm.