Right now just relax for a week. Go for a light run and prepare for your next sport be it basketball or wrestling. Here are some thoughts for next year.
Guys: Place in the top half of all meets.
How to do this? We have a really young team next year. Basically, just get out there and run during the summer so practice doesn't destroy you.
Andrew and Edwin need to do a lot of hill work and strengthening exercises to put on some muscle.
Jake and Austin,our two freshmen this year, will need to put some miles in and do some races this summer. Jake did two of the three races I did this year. Expect big things out of these two young men.
Hunter: Only one thing, need to work on your stride to become more efficient, which will allow you to run faster.
Girls: Place 1 or 2 in all races including Smiley
How to do this? Number one thing is to stay healthy by avoiding injury and for everyone get out there and run on soft surfaces and do your core exercises.
Whitney: More running over the summer, plus a race or two will help improve your speed. The most important thing is to strengthen your knee. Do squats and leg extensions. Plus improve your core muscles.
Marissa B.: You are overcoming knee surgery so go by the advice of a physical trainer to avoid injury. Y0ur knee problem is similar to Whitney's. Do leg strengthening exercises and run on soft ground
Hannah: Run over the summer and do hills once a week to improve you overall speed and strength.
Marissa P. : You need to work on strength in the legs. You are a power runner who needs a better finishing kick. Lift weights and do speed workouts especially at the end of your longer runs. You better be in shape because I am going to beat you at the Lakewood race.
Brittany, Danielle and Cassidi all need to run over the summer to improve their endurance.
Alanna: Only one thing here. Heal those shins and then strengthen them by doing the exercise I showed you.
Amanda: Same as Alanna only with your ankles. Do the exercises I showed you.
Tarlton twins: I saved you for last because you already have the speed and endurance, but you are lacking one key ingredient to reaching that top level. Running efficiently by not tensing up your upper body. Don't believe me but another coach I was standing by at the race commented that both of you looked stiff as your run instead of being fluid. Top runners look like they are running effortlessly in a race. Also look at channel twelve news(they have you on there) and compare your running style with the other top runners. Both of you have arms and shoulders up not using them efficiently. Improve your overall running style by smoothing it out which in turn will allow you to go faster and put you in the elite level.
Coach Twardowski and I have been discussing about what we can do to help everyone to achieve their full potential. One thing we know we did wrong was we stopped or did not do as much strengthening after SPASH. We get so caught up on mileage and running we forget about the whole package and that is strength. Look at when the injuries started to pop up and some times slowed was right about the time of SPASH. We were so focused on doing more and more running we missed doing CORE exercises and leg strength which could have led to the injuries. Next year we will be doing these exercise all season long.
Lastly, I encourage you to put your goals or thoughts on the comments. What do you want to do next season?
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